Of these three candidates, Yang is considered more liberal than Klobuchar. Do the fonts used in their posters convey that? Photo credit: Kevin McGovern/Shutterstock
Here's something I never considered--different fonts lean conservative or liberal.
Serif fonts have little curves and edges (like the "Amy" in the green poster here). Sans-serif fonts are cleaner, without these extra flourishes.
A study showed multiple fonts to a sample of people and found that people rated the serif fonts as looking more conservative and sans-serif fonts as more liberal.
This research was covered by CNN.com. They summarized the results like this:
For example, study participants saw Times New Roman as more conservative than Gill Sans. Blackletter, which looks like it belongs on a newspaper masthead, was seen as the most conservative font, while Sunrise, a cartoonish-looking script, was seen as the most liberal.
When they interviewed the researcher, she suggested,
"If you think about serifs being used in more formal types of print or communications, maybe they're viewed as more traditional and sans serifs are viewed as more modern," Katherine Haenschen, an assistant professor of communications at Virginia Tech and the lead author of the study, told CNN. "There's a small but significant difference in how people perceive these fonts."
The researchers showed each font using a simple sentence, "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" and asked online participants to rate the font's conservative (vs. liberal) nature. For example:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
a) In this study, what was the independent variable (IV)? What were its levels? What was the dependent variable?
Here is CNN's description:
...987 participants were shown the phrase "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" in one of six fonts and styles: Times New Roman regular, Times New Roman bold, Times New Roman italic, Gill Sans regular, Gill Sans bold or Gill Sans italic.
b) Based on this description, was the IV manipulated as independent groups or within-groups?
c) You could do the study either way. What are the advantages and disadvantages of manipulating the font variable as independent groups?What are the advantages and disadvantages of manipulating the font variable as within-groups?
d) What does it mean when the author says "There's a small but significant difference in how people perceive these fonts."?
At the end of the story, the CNN journalist wrote about the potential applications:
For example, if Bernie Sanders changed the font on his campaign materials, there probably wouldn't be much of a difference in how people see him because he's already a widely known figure.
The choice of font could, however, make a difference for a new candidate, like someone running for school board, town council or state legislature, Haenschen said. While researchers don't know for sure whether a font would change people's perceptions of a candidate, that's another question that could be explored in the future.
e) How might you conduct an experimental test of the journalist's speculation, above?
You can see the empirical journal article here. Their Figure 1 shows ratings of conservatism and the 95% CIs for six fonts.